About Our Parts

Giuliani has taken great pains to select the proper materials and finishes for the parts. While specific steel types cannot be revealed, there are a few specifics about the parts that are important.

Our firing pins are made of a two piece design and are constructed out of special steels. The piece that strikes the primer is harder than the body so you get reliable ignition, since the body of the firing pins are softer, the hammers are not damaged during the striking process.

Our leaf hammer springs are of forged steel for long life and have shown to retain a force of between 41 lbs and 46 lbs (19 to 21 kilograms) over the life of the spring.

The sears and hammers are made of steel and hardened to prevent changes in trigger feel.

In the manufacture of parts, precise tolerances are maintained to insure proper fit. In many instances parts must be fitted slightly. We have some downloadable instructions for some of the key parts that need fitting.